Tuesday, 24 March 2009

This is a German Magazine

I wanted to look at an Euorpen music magazine to see if the style of this type of magazine would be different in different countries.
This music magazine has got alot of colour on it but the main colour is pink which links into one part of what the magazine is going to be about, the group called "Pink"
This magazine uses people who look pretty to attract a readers attention (mainly girls), it plays on the fact that the public would want to be like these people.
It talks about alot of different groups and thier different CDs. It also tells the reader that there is "13 Posters" inside this magazine, so if the reader is a big fan of one of the groups that are going to be mentioned in this magazine and will want to buy it so that they have a new poster to put on their wall.
the title is bold and eye catching to draw the readers attention to it. it is in black with white surrounding each letter which is only seen in the title of the magazine on this front cover where as the other main sub titles are similar to each other because they are in either pink or yellow.
This magazine also plays on social belonging because it has all the latest popular music in it and if the reader wants to fit in with a crowd of people who also enjoys this type of music then they will buy it so that they have equal or more knowledge about this subject so they can fit into the crowd of people who are popular too. It also plays on people wanting to ensure they they don't be in possibility of being bullied or any other kind of threat, the freedom from being physical bullied or either mentally and emotionally bullied.
It also plays on the public sense that they want to feel that they have the respect of others in society and it would also give them motovation to go after their dreams because it says that if these celebrities could become what they wanted and coming from the same back ground or similar to them then they can too and this plays on their esteem because apart from them giving respect to the celebrities for mangaing to get to where they are today they also get respect to they selves when they decided to go after their dreams.
I have found that even though his music magazine is in a different language the layout and the style is siomilar to what i would find in a music magazine in England, so i know that my music magazine would sell just as much in a different country as it would in England if my music magazine got published world wide.

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